Email Marketing: 5 Strategies for Better Email Campaigns

Email marketing is an incredibly effective strategy for your brand. However, it isn’t just clicking send on an email to your customers every couple of weeks. Good email marketing begins with using effective strategies.

But what are the most effective email marketing strategies?

With the increase in interest in digital marketing strategies, it can feel pretty overwhelming trying to work out what the best email marketing strategy actually is. With articles listing the top 10 strategies, the best 15 ways to boost your email marketing, and more, whittling it down to what actually works takes time and effort–so, we’ve made it easy for you.

Below, we’ve highlighted our top 5 recommendations for email marketing strategies that we have found to be effective. Take a look now to learn more.

Personalise Your Messages

While you’re probably not going to have the chance to send every one of your valued customers a personal email, you can cater your content to them in other ways. To begin with, always address them by name. ‘Dear customer,’ sounds far less personal than using the person’s preferred name.

In addition to their name, you should also include customers in campaigns that they will actually find value in. But how do you know what each recipient wants? There are actually a few ways. These include:

  • Demographics: When you ask people to subscribe to your newsletter or email list, you can ask a few questions that help you ascertain demographics as well as what the recipients are interested in. This is, of course, the easiest way you can gain information, but there are more.
  • Past purchases: If you want to send emails marketing new campaigns, sales, or products, then using past purchases is the best way to segment your email marketing list effectively.
  • Email engagement: You can usually see a few different email engagement analytics by tracking them in your email provider of choice. Using these will help you to determine what each group of customers is interested in. Who is clicking through on what campaigns and who is hitting delete immediately?
  • Position in the sales funnel: Have you got a group of customers who buy from you consistently? Or perhaps you have had an influx of new, first-time buyers? Where your audience is in the sales funnel should impact the kind of email you’re sending. For instance, newer customers are likely to want more generalised emails about your overall services or product lines. Long-time consumers will respond better to highly specific content.
  • Website behaviour: Google Analytics and ‘Goal’ on MailChimp can give you a really good overview of how customers behave on your website. You will see details about pages visited and not visited, as well as the duration of their session and location details (depending on which tool you use). You can use this to determine the kind of content you send to customer segments.

Always Send Mobile Friendly Emails

Nowadays, it is incredibly common for your customers to open their emails on their phones. For this reason, you need to ensure that your email marketing is optimised for mobile phones. There is nothing worse than opening an email on your phone that is too wide for the screen or doesn’t translate properly.

If your emails aren’t optimised for mobile phones, then a customer is much more likely to delete it or even unsubscribe from your list. But how do you go about making sure your emails are optimised? Below are a few tips to get you started.

  • Use responsive email design: Fortunately, most email service providers automatically implement this. Using responsive email design means that UX is optimised no matter the kind of device that the email is opened on.
  • Use short subject lines and pre-headers: Readers want to know exactly what the email is about, and they want to know it quickly. Don’t make them search for meaning, just tell them and ensure that they open the email!

Optimise Your Subject Lines

While you’re probably not going to have the chance to send every one of your valued customers a personal email, you can cater your content to them in other ways. To begin with, always address them by name. ‘Dear customer,’ sounds far less personal than using the person’s preferred name.

Use Effective Call-To-Actions

A call-to-action, or CTA, is a marketing term that refers to a prompt or directive. Common examples include ‘Contact us now!’ and ‘Shop Our Sale Now’. Both call the user to action and result in a reader clicking through to your website.

The idea of CTAs is to engage the audience and prompt interactions, so they need to be effective. To write an effective CTA, you’re going to need to ensure it’s got a few features. These include the following.

  • Clarity: Clear communication is vital in CTAs. You need your reader to know exactly what you want them to do. Do you want them to shop your new product line? Do you want them to check out your blog post? Make it clear!
  • Highlight the benefits: A great way to compel the reader is to tell them why taking action will benefit them. How will the action meet their needs or solve their problem? Let them know.
  • Create a sense of urgency: This is particularly useful if you want readers to act on a sale or new product.
  • Visibility: Your CTA needs to be clearly visible. It should stand out on the page, so try using contrasting colours, large font sizes, or distinct positioning.

Maintain Consistency

Your email marketing is essentially you popping up in your customers’ inboxes to remind them that you exist. While you don’t want to be annoying, you need to remind them that you’re still here. So, consistency is key.

Automated emails are the easiest way to ensure that you’re communicating with your customers consistently. It also means you don’t need to monitor website behaviour constantly. Instead, you can set up triggers on your email service provider to send emails to consumers automatically when they behave in certain ways.

For example, abandoned baskets could get a follow-up email, customers could get birthday discounts, and frequent customers could be reminded to order a certain product as it’s due to run out.

Remember to find a balance between being consistent and being overwhelming. Keep customers engaged, but don’t spam them!

Tracking Email Metrics

Implementing these email marketing strategies is essential for an effective email marketing campaign. But none of it is of any use unless you track your metrics. You will find that many popular email service providers now offer easy ways to track your metrics, too.

Tracking metrics is essential because it lets you know what is and isn’t working. You can see which campaigns have resulted in website visits and conversions. You can also check that your segmentation is working, and if not, you can alter it.

This tracking needs to be consistent too. Something that was working six months ago may no longer be working now, and you need to know that. Don’t waste time on strategies that don’t work!

Final Thoughts

Email marketing is absolutely essential in the digital age. This is your sign to implement effective techniques to ensure your emails are being read by your customers and are drawing them to your website.

We’ve covered our top 5 tips for an effective marketing strategy here. These are tried and tested methods that we have found work for clients across the board. Why not implement some today and see how your website hits soar?

Ready to get started? Get in contact with Rokir today. We’re a full-service digital marketing agency offering services to clients across the UK. Our services include marketing and advertising, web development, SEO, and PR and content creation. Chat with our team now to find out how we can support your brand.

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