Could You Benefit From A Business App?

When customers are constantly online, you will want to find ways to beat competitors to the punch by reaching potential buyers before anyone else does. To do that, you need to leverage the most accessible connection possible with users – with a new website or business app on their smartphones today.

The average adult spends 3 hours and 45 minutes on a mobile device daily. Mobile Apps account for 70% of activity.  The major difference between a mobile app and a mobile website is that the mobile website is accessed by the user via the Internet (therefore requires being online) and the downloadable application is a separate app installed on the phone and can be accessed both online as well as offline digital media time. People spend around 88% of their mobile time on applications only. Above all, about 48% of users determine the brand credibility via an app only.

That said, the COVID-19 pandemic has also given the use of mobile devices and apps an immense boost. Studies show that mobile app downloads have increased by 23.3% since the pandemic.

Want to stay afloat in an ever-changing digital world? Then diving into expert business app development is your best bet for business success online this year.

What’s the difference between a website and an app?

Let’s talk about definitions:

  • A mobile website is a website for the design of which has been scaled and optimised for mobile devices. Typically, it features smaller fonts, fewer page elements, and less white space (compared to traditional desktop versions.)
  • The mobile app is a separate program stored locally on your phone that uses the device’s hardware and software features and usually creates a better, more intuitive, and faster user experience.

While both options have some remarkable visual similarities, there are some major differences in terms of features, the purpose of the app/website, budget factors, and the size of the audience you can reach with each option.

How can an app help your business?

As customers’ behaviour, intent, preferences, and interests are shifting, businesses need to adapt and change their strategies accordingly. You (as a business) need to be where your customers are.

Investing in a mobile app can increase customer engagement, improve scalability, build endorsement, give better customer service and support, attain customers’ insights, and ultimately increase revenue.

Mobile apps give your business a constant presence on the customer’s phone. Apps also increase sales by offering your customers a more convenient way to browse and shop. Many businesses use their apps to alert their customers to new deals, products, and events. Business leaders should explore the benefits of mobile apps to determine if an app could help their business grow.

How to know if you need an app

Sometimes the question isn’t whether or not your company can benefit from its own mobile app, but under what circumstances is it practical to develop and maintain an app? And do you have the capability to consistently infuse the app with fresh content and compelling features that keep customers coming back?

Here are some factors to consider before deciding to app or not to app.

What is your goal?

When you’re thinking about developing a mobile app for your business, consider how you would use it and what precise functions you’d need.

A dedicated mobile app can assist current and future customers in many ways. It can introduce newcomers to your business and better serve existing customers in promoting new products and services, special offers, loyalty programs, and other perks for in-store or remote commerce. 

A mobile app also serves as a constant, real-time connection to your customers. They can check your hours, find locations, get directions, view available merchandise, and access any other information you choose.

Who Are Your Customers?

When you’re thinking about developing a mobile app for your business, consider how you would use it and what precise functions you’d need.

A dedicated mobile app can assist current and future customers in many ways. It can introduce newcomers to your business and better serve existing customers in promoting new products and services, special offers, loyalty programs, and other perks for in-store or remote commerce. 

A mobile app also serves as a constant, real-time connection to your customers. They can check your hours, find locations, get directions, view available merchandise, and access any other information you choose.

Are your customers mobile oriented?

Unsurprisingly, the same group that loves smartphone apps and looks forward to downloading new ones spends an astronomical amount of time playing around with them. Younger audiences use apps daily and understand how they function. They consume significant amounts of information during their mobile use. 

Due to the appeal of retail apps, users between 25 and 44 years old are the perfect audience if you’re looking to sell your products online via mobile or advertise an in-store experience. 

Those 45 years old and older don’t have as much knowledge of mobile apps and how they work because they’re more comfortable with desktop computer use. They’re more likely to use an app if it has familiar features and an easy-to-use interface.

Would It Be Significantly Different Than An Optimised Website?

It really depends on what your company does and how it interacts with customers. In many cases, a mobile-optimised website can be just as effective as an app while requiring fewer developers, less maintenance and less time and effort to create. Ask yourself what the customer experience would  be like on your app. Would it be significantly different from an optimised website? If not, don’t do it.

Will It Expand Your Business and Reach?

Simply put, a well-designed mobile app entices users and encourages them to take your services. A mobile app opens the door to reach maximum mobile users globally. A mobile app works wonders for customer adoption, retention, and if done right, it can multiply your reach. Research the market, analyse your competitors, and determine your customers, then build a mobile app accordingly.

Aspects to consider when developing an app for your company

When it all boils down to the actual development of the app, most of the startups/companies rely on external service providers or app development agencies such as app development companies, either because they lack the necessary know-how or the internal IT department would be overloaded with such a project. You are not just hiring a development company, you are choosing a technological partner for the success of your business. So, be sure to partner with companies that understand your vision of the app and what value it has to add in your customers’ daily life.

Keep in mind that developing an app can be a complex and sometimes lengthy affair, depending on how complex the features or specification are a part of your app.

6 key steps in app development

Regardless of the project you want to bring to life, the app development process has six key steps. Breaking the project down into these simple steps will help you develop your app quickly and efficiently. 

  • Idea: Figure out what problem your app solves, who you’re targeting with this app, why its features are important, and whether there are similar apps already out there. 
  • Design: Create an interface that lets users easily navigate the app.
  • Development: Write the code for your app, develop the code, and start preliminary testing.
  • Testing: Determine the app’s quality, discover any malfunctions, and learn what you can improve.
  • Launch: Once your app is bug-free and ready to go, publish it on marketplaces like the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.
  • Marketing: Create a marketing strategy to get users to download your app and give you feedback on improving user engagement.


If you’re interested in building an app, then speak to a member of our team today. Our Web Team is available to answer any further questions you may have, and support your app development from start to finish, and beyond.

hello from rokir wave emoji Hi I’m James, Business Development Manager here at ROKIR
As well as focusing on the development of our business, part of my role is to support our clients in managing their partnership with us and helping them grow their business.
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