Pet businesses, including groomers, dog walkers, vet clinics, pet stores, and pet training companies, can sometimes find digital strategies a bit of a minefield. Mostly, this comes from not really knowing how digital strategies, like a social media plan, can benefit your business.

At Rokir, we’re here to tell you that not only will digital strategies improve your business growth, boost sales, and increase customer loyalty, but we can help you with all of this!

Our experience is varied across industries, including in the pet and animal industries. This means we’re incredibly well-placed to get started on your digital marketing, website overhaul, and social media calendar today.

Find out more about how Rokir can support your pet business today.

Digital Limitations Affecting Pet Businesses

Like any business trying to establish an online presence, the pet industry can face limitations. In our experience, these limitations affect companies across the sector, too, so you’re not alone.

Below, we’ve explored the different limitations that we have seen impact digital marketing strategies for businesses just like yours and offered solutions that we couple implement to ensure that your business goes on to be a thriving success.

#1 Intangible Services​​

Many pet services result in something intangible. As a vet, in particular, the services that you offer are not easily marketed because they often happen behind closed doors or are sensitive in nature. However, intangible services don’t mean that you cannot market them well.

At Rokir, we approach digital strategies for intangible services in a few ways. To begin with, we utilise our social media strategy services to create a social media calendar full of valuable content that may not show your services explicitly but can market them through testimonials, educational content, and solution-based content.

Another digital service that would benefit this kind of company is our web development services. A professional and responsive website is the perfect place for you to describe your services and explore how they benefit your clients. While you may not have a physical product to show someone, you can certainly tell them why your services would benefit them.

#2 Local Audience

Having a local audience is common for small businesses, and pet companies are no different. As a local dog walker or grooming service, you might be wondering how you can stand out among the other businesses in the area just like yours.

Our SEO services are the best solution to this limitation.

Harnessing the power of SEO with highly specific and local keywords can ensure that your business is the first company anyone searching for your services sees. SEO helps websites to climb the search rankings, meaning that when someone googles ‘dog walkers Middlesbrough,’ the website optimised with the best local SEO will be the first website to appear at the top of the results page.

Using our SEO services, we can make sure that your pet business is right there at the top and is the first company people turn to in your local area.

#3 Emotionally Driven Services

Unfortunately, many people turn to businesses like vet clinics in times of great need and emotion. If a pet is ill, owners are likely to feel anguish, which drives your sales process. So, how do you get sales using emotions?

Tapping into the emotions of pet owners and exploring the connection people have with their pets is a great way to boost sales and improve customer loyalty. You can use compelling storytelling across your website and social media content to share stories of successful treatments and recoveries and also harness user-generated content to create a sense of community.

Our content services can be used to create educational content for your social media and website blog. Educational content can be used to ensure your clients know when, why, and how to get their pets vaccinated or checked out.

We would also work with you to ensure there is brand engagement on your social media platforms. This means having direct communication with your clients to create a sense of community and ensure the likelihood of referrals.

#4 Limited Conversion Tracking

For many pet businesses, a lack of physical products means limited conversion online. While services may be purchased online, most often, the purchases happen offline, which means conversion tracking can give an inaccurate view of the actual profitability of the business.

Due to this limitation, it can be difficult to track when your marketing and digital strategies are actually having a positive impact. For this reason, Rokir offers tailored reporting for individual clients. We’ll ensure that you can see where the strategies are working and where they might need tweaking.

#5 Lack of Repeat Business

As with the intangibility of services for vet clinics, breeders, and pet trainers, the chances of repeat business are often limited. For vet clinics, this would require repeated illness or injury, and only clients who keep getting new pets would need trainers on retainer.

Overcoming this challenge is pretty simple. While repeat business often has an important role for retail stores and businesses of this kind, for pet businesses, we would ensure that the digital strategies we implement encourage word-of-mouth referrals and an increase in followers.

We would do this by spotlighting testimonials and user-generated content, encouraging online reviews, and creating highly shareable content so that your content is seen by more than just your followers.

And the proof?

A snapshot of our clients and previous work.

Website Development | Hosting

Website Development

Highfield Veterinary Clinic

Social Media

Wild Science

Website Development | Hosting

Trendy Paws Dog Grooming

” We wished to create a site that was very interactive and as a result, extremely difficult to design. Our original web designer was trying to design it for 6 months but did not have the skills to complete it. When all our work and effort seemed to be for nothing, we got a referral for Rokir.

From the beginning, Jade, James and the team were brilliant and started our site from scratch. In a few short months, our website went from seemingly doomed to being a fully functional and highly interactive site. As a result, we have been growing ever since. Rokir’s “can-do” attitude reignited our enthusiasm for our project. It is great to deal with people that always have a positive approach to what you are proposing, regardless of how difficult or outside the box it may be

We would highly recommend Rokir and have done so to quite a few people already. “

– Luke & Richard, Managing Directors

Working with ROKIR

Rokir has experience in a multitude of industries, and the pet sector is one of them! We can support you on your digital journey and help you implement strategies that work for your unique business needs.


If you’d like to know more about how Rokir can support your pet business, then give us a call today, and let’s chat!

Frequently Asked Questions

What digital marketing services can you offer pet businesses?

Rokir offers pet businesses a full suite of digital services, including content, blogging and PR, SEO, social media strategy, and website development and maintenance. Each of these services can have a profound impact on your pet business and boost your overall growth as a company.

Content for pet businesses can vary depending on the kind of business. The content we could create for pet businesses includes the following.

  • Educational content for pet health, training, and treatment
  • User-generated content
  • Success stories, like training journeys or treatment stories
  • How-to blogs for pet care, grooming, walking, and health needs
  • Influencer-based content 

Yes! Using digital strategies, like website development and SEO, can both improve the credibility and authority of your business. On top of this, social media strategies can improve community engagement and word-of-mouth referrals to boost loyalty and expand your customer base.

At Rokir, we are committed to working within any regulations that your industry dictates. We have experience across many industries, so we’re pretty used to catering our output to ensure it stays within regulatory guidelines.

The results of digital strategies can often vary depending on everything from the starting point to the industry you’re in. So, while we can’t give you definitive answers on how long results will take, what we can do is offer tailored reporting that shows where our strategies are working, informed by your KPIs.

So how can we help?


Creating digital strategies that help you make an impact and drive your outreach.


Transforming businesses through user focused website design and development.


Capturing the magic in your business and helping you to create content that converts.


Helping you leave the breadcrumbs to make your website and digital assets more searchable.


Laying the foundations and celebrating successful and industry-leading business.


Reliable and scalable hosting solutions to suit business from day 1 to year 50+

Check out the handy resources below for our most up to date blogs, guides and templates to help you achieve your digital goals.


Request a 30 minute call to discuss how we can help grow your business.
