What Makes Good Content for My Beauty Salon’s Website?

If you thought blogging went out of fashion in the noughties, you’d be sort of correct. While long-form blogging has been taken over by short-form social media in many areas, one place where blogging is still key is your beauty salon’s marketing strategy.

When we talk about blogs, we don’t mean long meandering passages on what you got up to on holiday with your family and why you really love the new shoes you got. What we mean is tactically written and strategically planned blogging content that improves your search ranking, boosts your visibility, and ensures that your beauty business continues to grow.

Want to know more about blogging as a beauty business? Keep reading now.

Why Do You Need a Blog?

The simple answer is that you need a blog so that you have more ways for customers to find you; whether that be through building a blog around specific keywords or by creating content that your customers need.

The former refers to a strategy used wherein you find a list of keywords or common search terms, that your audience frequently uses and build a blogging calendar around this. For example, if your audience is often Googling ‘brow lamination near me,’ then coming up with a few blogs where this keyword can be implemented naturally is an easy way to ensure that when a potential new customer Googles the search term, your blog ranks on that first Google results page.

The latter means looking to your audience to work out what they actually want to know. Do people still not really understand what brow lamination is? Do they want to find out why you need a patch test before lash extensions? Whatever it is they want to know, use this to create blogs that have actual value to your customers. By doing this, you’ll not only become a trusted source of information for your audience but you’ll also be found by new customers wanting to find those same answers.

These strategies have a lot of crossover. You’ll find that frequent search terms can often be used for valuable content, given that they’re frequently searched for!!

But what is the purpose of doing all of this? Why do you need a blog? Below are a few reasons.

5 reasons you need a blog

  1. SEO and visibility: Using frequent search terms will help increase your visibility as a beauty business. It will mean you rank higher and are found more easily by your clients.
  2. Credibility and authority: By building a blog with lots of valuable content, you’ll find that more and more people come back to your website to find answers to key questions and to get information that they trust.
  3. Conversions: A blog is a great way to market your products or services too. If someone is coming to your blog for new nail art ideas, you could use pictures of the nails you’ve painted and links to your services in the blog to boost your conversions.
  4. Evergreen content: Blogs are like a gift that keeps on giving. When you upload it, it stays on your website for years to come. That means that your blogs can still generate new users and conversions, even when they were published months ago.
  5. Competitive edge: You can use your blog to set yourself apart from the competition. Show off your knowledge, boast about your results, and use this space to make sure people choose you.

Blog Content Ideas for Beauty Businesses

Blog content should be SEO-friendly and valuable, so what does that look like for a beauty business? Here are a few of our ideas. 

Note, that these might not be specific to your business but give a general idea of the kind of content that could work well for beauty entrepreneurs.

Routines and How-Tos

While you’re a beauty business that wants to promote your services, you can draw in new clients by creating blog tutorials on skincare routines, haircare how-tos, and more. Consider creating blogs for each skin type and how they should care for it, and then use these blogs to promote the services and treatments that you offer that might be useful for each skin type too.

Product Reviews or Round-ups

Talk about products you love, products you use and what you recommend. If you’re really savvy, you could even cultivate relationships with brands to create sponsored content for different products so that you earn a bit on the side too!

Consider creating content on the products you use in your treatments too. Why did you choose the brand? What can clients expect when you use it during their treatments?

Debunking Beauty Myths and Other Educational Content

There are a whole load of beauty myths out there that need debunking and you can do this easily on your blog. Why not try out the latest TikTok beauty hack to see if it actually works? Heard a crazy myth from a client about what they’re doing to reduce wrinkles? Use your expertise to set the record straight.

This kind of content not only uses trends to ensure that you rank well, but it also establishes you as an authority. You know what you’re talking about and your clients can trust you to steer them right when it comes to their beauty routine.

Customer Spotlights

With their permission, you can create customer journey blogs. Have you got a client that has seen incredible results through the course of your treatment? Detail the treatment, how it works, and why it could be good for other clients too.

These kinds of blogs work well as testimonials of sorts and really show off the benefits of choosing your business.

Industry News and Latest Trends

This kind of content ensures people know you’re on top of what’s new in your industry. It also gives you the chance to rank for trending keywords and give your opinion on the beauty product du jour!

How Rokir Can Help

Rokir has worked across a wide range of industries to provide tailored digital services, including the health and beauty industry. Our work includes blog and PR content as well as other services, like SEO and web development. Our approach is to create a unique and tailored service for each client to ensure we meet the needs of your specific business.

Final Thoughts

Blogging as a marketing strategy is a simple but effective way to cultivate new clients and increase brand visibility. It has many benefits, including setting you apart from the competition and helping to showcase your services and products.

If you need support with creating a blogging schedule, drafting blogs or using SEO to optimise your blog, then Rokir has got what you need. Our blogging services can be coupled with any of our other digital services so that you get the support you need from us.

hello from rokir wave emoji Hi I’m Alex, Blog and PR Copywriter
As part of the ROKIR team, my job is to make sure our clients connect with their target audience with every piece of content, bringing in great, organic traffic from Google and your social media channels.
Need help writing content for your next website, blog or article? DM us or drop me an email today!


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