Does My Seed Supply Business Need a Website?

The simple answer to this question is yes, your seed supply business does need a website. Every business should have a website in 2024.

A website is a continuous form of marketing that, if used correctly, will ensure that new customers find you, repeat customers continue to shop with you, and will give you data so that you can analyse your marketing efforts all in one place.

Keep reading now to learn why your seed supply business definitely needs a website.

What Can a Website Do For Your Seed Supply Business?

A seed supply business needs to be accessible to a whole range of customers. From farmers and those in the agricultural industry to gardeners and plant enthusiasts, there’s no telling where your clients will come from. A website is a surefire way to ensure that all of these customers can not only find your business but get what they need from it easily.

Your website might be used by your customers for a range of needs, including:

  • Buying your seeds: This one is pretty obvious but having a centralised location where customers can purchase your seeds means it’s not only easier but accessible for people who can’t get to physical stores to buy your products.
  • Browsing your seed products: While sales are ultimately the goal, a well-built website will mean that customer browsing is streamlined. Not only can they see all of your stock, but they can filter out everything they don’t want to find that really specific species of cucumber.
  • Getting tips on planting and cultivating your seeds: Any website worth its salt these days not only showcases your products but also has a blog. A blog is often used to help your website rank for business-specific keywords and is employed as an SEO tactic. But the blog also serves a purpose for your customers. It can aid those looking for tips and tricks and help your business to become a trusted source of information to them.
  • A point of contact: Your website is a good place to have all of the key information that a customer might need about your business. This will include things like a contact form, a phone number, and an email address. All of this information will ensure that if there are issues with your products, you can resolve them quickly.
  • Offering credibility: Having a website is useful for anyone who hasn’t heard of your business. Think about what you would think if you were to Google a business and find out they didn’t have a website. The likelihood is you’d think it suspicious at the very least. So, having a website can lend a certain credibility to your business and ensure new customers trust you.
  • Providing a place for reviews: Testimonials and product reviews are a really easy form of marketing. Easy, because you don’t have to do much for them to help sell your product. All you need is a place to showcase them and a website is perfect for this.
  • Cost-effective marketing: If you’re struggling to pay for ads and promotion at certain slow points in the year, your website can cover you. As long as it’s properly optimised, you will still be able to gain new customers and visitors to your site from organic searches, even when your paid content has to take a backseat.
  • Analytics: One of the best things about a website is that by using a tool like Google Analytics, you can gather a huge amount of data about your customers. You can learn things like where your visitors come from, what a typical website journey looks like for them, and what products they’re buying. All of this information can ensure your marketing strategies are as optimised as possible.

Techniques to Ensure Your Seed Supply Business’s Website is as Effective as Possible

So, what techniques should you implement on your website to ensure that its working as effectively as possible?

Search Engine Optimisation

We briefly touched on SEO above, but it requires its own section simply because of the power it has. SEO includes things like using long and short-tail keywords on your site, ensuring your site has easy navigation, having an XML sitemap, and ensuring all your information is up to date.

SEO is used to improve your website’s ranking on search engines, like Google and Bing. While you can implement some aspects of SEO yourself, you might find that some of the more technical aspects require an expert hand. 

Rokir has experience implementing SEO successfully across a range of business websites, including many in the agricultural industry. Reach out to us today to find out more about our SEO services.


Creating a blog on your website is an incredibly easy way to boost your search ranking and find customers. You can address common questions for your industry, i.e., when the right time ot plant certain seeds is, what kinds of seeds prefer being outside, and more.

Consider what your target audience would Google. Will they want to know about specific species of fruit, will they want tips on growing juicier crops–get into their head and then put out weekly or monthly blogs covering these topics so that when they search for them, your website is the first place they go.

Coming up with blog articles and writing them can be an arduous task on top of all the other things you need to do as a business owner. If you’d like support then you’ll be pleased to know that Roker offers blogging services too!

Friendly User Experience

Lastly, a good user experience is one of the most important things you can implement on your website. When developing a seed supply website, you need to consider how a customer gets around. How are you going to list your seed products? Where can they find key information about your business?

A user will log off your website very quickly if they can’t use it and this can have an impact on your overall search ranking. So, make sure the website you have is well-built and easy to use.
If you’re realising that your website might not be up to standard then check out Rokir’s web development services now.

Final Thoughts

As a seed supply business, a website offers a centralised place for customers to find out all they need to know about your seeds. They can easily browse and purchase, inquire about new stock, get in touch if there are issues, and learn new things all in one place.

If you need support building a new website for your seed supply business, then contact Rokir today. We offer tailored services to all clients so that you get exactly what you need from us. Our team is happy to meet with new clients and get to know them so that we can cater our services to your unique business.

hello from rokir wave emoji Hi I’m Alex, Blog and PR Copywriter
As part of the ROKIR team, my job is to make sure our clients connect with their target audience with every piece of content, bringing in great, organic traffic from Google and your social media channels.
Need help writing content for your next website, blog or article? DM us or drop me an email today!


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