Do I Need a Social Media Presence as a Plumber?

Digital marketing is a must for all kinds of businesses these days. As a plumber, you might think that it doesn’t make sense for you to have a social media presence, but we assure you, it does! Social media has a tonne of benefits for plumbing businesses and can contribute to your growth overall, but how do you get started?

In this article, we’re going to take a look at how social media can benefit your plumbing business as well as which platforms to use and how to overcome common challenges.

The Role of Social Media in Business

Social media plays a huge role in business now. From lawyers to educators to lifestyle gurus, everyone has a social media presence and it has huge benefits for business. It gets your name out there, advertises your services, and can help you to reach new people.

It’s also an easy way to understand how and when your marketing is working. With lots of analytics tools across the platforms, you can tweak and change your strategy to fit your audience and grow your reach.

And on top of all of this, social media is free. This means you don’t need to fork out for marketing campaigns and can harness the power of social media all by yourself.

How Social Media Can Benefit Your Plumbing Business

So, how can social media benefit a plumbing business specifically?

  • Brand visibility: Having a social media presence will ensure that your brand is visible, meaning if someone searches for it, you have more chance of them finding you.
  • Trust and credibility: You can use your platform to showcase your work and happy client feedback to build trust with your prospective audience.
  • Customer engagement: Being able to have direct communication with customers can boost their trust in you too. It also means you can get feedback and build your marketing strategy and even your services around what your customers want and need.
  • Cost-effective: As we already mentioned, social media is free! If you want affordable promotion, this is the way to do it.
  • Local SEO: An additional perk of social media is that you can optimise your profile to enhance your local reach and ensure that anyone searching for a plumber in the area will find you.

Social Media Platforms For Plumbers

There are a few platforms that work well for plumbers. These include the following.


Facebook is a great place for really connecting with people. You can set up a page for your business and also join and participate in local community groups to ensure people in the area know you’re there.

Make sure that your business page is up to date with contact information and more. You could also use it to post about your services, client testimonials and more. We also recommend using Facebook ads if you can! They can help get your plumbing business seen by a much wider audience.


As a visual platform, Instagram is a great place to showcase your work. You can upload videos and images of jobs you have worked on and even include some educational content in there.

Educational content may include commonly Googled issues, like unclogging a toilet or an outside drain, or addressing common tap issues. These educational pieces can not only educate customers but ensure that if they can’t fix it themselves after following your video, they give you a call to help them! Additionally, educational content will ensure that people find you from organic searches too.

On top of this, you should harness the power of hashtags and target locally trending ones so that you show up in local searches. You can also use stories to interact with customers and build a community around your brand.


For longer-format educational content, YouTube is a great place to have a presence. Many people will head to the platform to fix common plumbing issues, so if you develop a brand platform there, people will come back time and time again. And the more they come back, the more they trust you!

You could also include client testimonials and longer-form videos that show projects you have completed. These could be videos that show the start to finish of a recent project so that people can see your work up close.

Common Challenges For Plumbers Using Social Media

Anyone looking to use social media more for their business is likely to run into challenges. Some of them are common to all businesses, and others may be specific to your niche. Below are the most common challenges we have seen plumbers encounter when using social media and how you can overcome them.


Time management is difficult when you’re doing the marketing alone. You might not have time to create and upload content every day, so our solution is to do it in batches. Set aside an afternoon where you cut together all the raw footage you’ve taken and schedule content throughout the week so you don’t need to think about it.

Content Creation

The actual creation of content can be difficult. Sometimes, you might not even be able to think of content to post. Firstly, we’d suggest creating a list of ideas when you have inspiration so that when you don’t, you have somewhere to turn. You should also utilise Google to find new inspiration!

As for actual content creation, if you’re doing a big project you want to showcase, you could set alarms throughout the day to take some footage. You can also repeat content in different ways, using different cuts when needed and turn things like client testimonials into content when you don’t have other stuff going on.

Engagement and Interaction

While social media can be super helpful for engaging with your community, it’s easy to forget! As with creating content, set aside a day of the week when you’ll reply to DMs and comments, like other people’s content, and repost user-generated content.

How Rokir Can Help Your Plumbing Business

Social media can often feel like an uphill battle, especially if you’re new to it. If you’d like someone to take it off your hands, then we can help. Rokir is a full-service digital agency with a range of services, including social media. We can help you create content, build an audience, and ensure you’re putting out the content that your customers want to see.

Find out more about our social media services here.

Final Thoughts

Social media can have many benefits for your plumbing business. This is just a short guide to using social media as a plumber, but if you’d like more insight, don’t hesitate to reach out to Rokir now.

On top of our social media services, we also offer content creation, blogging and PR, and website development. We can create a plan that fits your individual needs.

hello from rokir wave emoji Hi I’m Alex, Blog and PR Copywriter
As part of the ROKIR team, my job is to make sure our clients connect with their target audience with every piece of content, bringing in great, organic traffic from Google and your social media channels.
Need help writing content for your next website, blog or article? DM us or drop me an email today!


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